While climatic hazards punctuate the campaigns and autumn beetles are exerting very strong pressure, rapeseed cultivation can be successful, provided that the right technical levers are used. Terres Inovia publishes its latest advice in the 2022 edition of the rapeseed guide.
At the beginning of June, Terres Inovia took part in the grass and forage show in Villefranche-d'Allier. Three experts from the institute had a "Species" stand in the village of protein and fodder autonomy in the colours of Cap Protéines. The purpose of this space was to present the interest and feasibility of seed protein crops, mainly peas, faba beans and lupins.
Terres Inovia offers you its regionalized recommended lists of rapeseed varieties to help you make or confirm your varietal choice for the 2022 sowing season.
On June 8, 2022, the Tool's Workshop was held in Azas, Haute-Garonne (31). The event brought about forty people, farmers and development organizations (advisors, technicians ...) to present the results of 3 years of work conducted in the Outillage project, mobilizing nearly twenty partners and this throughout France.
Sunflowe r: seed quality, needs and levers to satisfy the organic market
This field meeting, organised by Terres Inovia and the FNAMS, brought together around thirty technicians and farmers around the lupin-pea-fava bean trials in Loire Authion.
Terres Inovia has updated its field guide for faba beans. A key crop to reinforce France's plant protein sovereignty, it is economical in water and inputs, and is a beneficial head crop for the rotation that ensures yield gains and nitrogen savings for the wheat that follows.
The four June 2022 issues of Arvalis & Terres Inovia infos have just been published with the phosmet phase-out plan for oilseed rape as the main theme.
On 10 May, the final of the Cap Protéines Challenge was held. The aim of this student competition was to take up the current challenges surrounding plant proteins by proposing ideas and concepts to improve the national production of protein-rich crops and to democratise their use in human food.
In response to a local problem, Terres Inovia has set up specific trials in the north of Charente-Maritime to improve control strategies against rapeseed diseases, particularly mycosphaerella. These field trials are supported financially by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
Today, rapeseed is subject to two major constraints. The summer droughts have a strong impact on the success of the sowing and the surfaces in place have been subjected for several years to a very strong pressure of autumn beetles sometimes resistant to pyrethroid insecticides.
Terres Inovia and its partners have organised, as they do every year, regional meetings on organic farming. Find the replays and documents presented during the 2 Proléobio Centre & West sessions on 26 April 2022
The webinar "What opportunities for a better match between supply and demand of plant proteins for animal feed? This is an opportunity to (re)watch the presentation by Patrick Carré, an expert in seed processing at Terres Inovia, on the reduction of antitrypsin factors in soybeans through cooking processes.
The R2D2 project, which stands for Restoring Natural Regulation and Increasing Robustness of Cropping Systems in the Burgundy Plateaux for a Sustainable Reduction in Dependence on Insecticides, began in 2018. Its aim is to support Burgundy farmers in the implementation of agro-ecological levers that will enable them to regain high and stable levels of production and profitability, in order to overcome the technical impasses they are facing.
As part of the Cap Protéines programme, a project is evaluating the possibility of introducing organic soya, processing it and using it in Réunion. This feasibility study is being conducted by Armeflhor with the technical support of experts from Terres Inovia and Terres Univia.