How can we contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gases (GHG)? Terres Inovia is committed to supporting farmers in their efforts to achieve carbon neutrality. The institute spoke last June to share its current studies.
In 2021, Terres Inovia conducted a survey on the cultivation practices of winter and spring bean growers. Changes in surface areas, outlets, agronomic practices, etc. This survey, carried out among 738 producers, is rich in information.
Pre-emergence weed control is often unavoidable, especially in grass management, where post-emergence weed control is not always sufficient. But many questions arise. How can this intervention be more successful and what is the technico-economic optimum if one wishes to limit the investment at sowing?
Deux journées de visite d’essais ont pu être organisées autour des légumineuses à graines le 30 juin et 1er juillet 2022. Une première journée en Rhône-Alpes co-organisée par Terres Inovia et la coopérative Oxyane et une deuxième co-organisée par Terres Inovia, Limagrain Coop et la Chambre d’agriculture du Puy-de-Dôme. Pour ces visites, nos référents nationaux pois-chiche Quentin Lambert et lentille Zoé Le Bihan étaient présents pour présenter les itinéraires culturaux de ces espèces et apporter leur expertise sur les essais.
Recently, Armeflhor, which is in charge of experiments on the feasibility of soya in Réunion, and the island's organic soyfood processor visited the south-west of France. The aim is to make progress in the technical and economic control of the processes involved in setting up a soya sector in the ultra-marine department.
About twenty technicians and farmers came to Sauzé-Vaussais (79) to discuss the management of mugwort in sunflowers.
Ce webinaire vous permettra de faire le point concernant les couverts d'interculture : bénéfices attendus, conduite des couverts annuels au travers des résultats de nos recherches & conduite des couverts permanents.
Dans un contexte de changement climatique et de tensions accrues sur les marchés alimentaires, Terres Univia, l’interprofession des huiles et protéines végétales, Terres Inovia, l’institut technique des professionnels de la filière des huiles et protéines végétales et de la filière chanvre, et la FOP, Fédération des producteurs d’oléagineux et protéagineux, rappellent l’importance de diversifier les assolements sur le long terme mais aussi de manière plus conjoncturelle.
To make a varietal choice, Terres Inovia evaluates each year the varieties in post-registration, the yield potential, the resistance to phoma, the sensitivity to lodging or to elongation.
From 14 June, four episodes of the video web-series Les pieds dans les champs featuring farmers' testimonies on pea and faba bean will be broadcast on Terres Inovia's You Tube channel. What agronomic levers do they use to make these crops successful? What are their difficulties and how do they manage to solve them? Or how profitable is their production? Farmers' words to listen to... and remember.
From June 20 to 23, Terres Inovia participated in the International Sunflower Conference in Novi-Sad, Serbia. The institute brought to the forefront of the international scene, in front of 400 participants, crucial topics for sunflower production and processing.
One hundred and thirty breeders, farmers, technicians and schoolchildren met in June for the technical day on "High-protein solutions" in Charente (16). The exchanges were rich and the contacts interesting.
Since 2021, Terres Inovia has been providing technical support to farmers in the Charente who wish to diversify their crop rotations. The aim is to preserve the quality of drinking water while ensuring a profitable economic outlet for the applicants.
For the second year, the Sunflower 360° platform was set up in the Yonne department at Villiers-les-Hauts. This trial platform was created following the development of sunflower surfaces in Burgundy (from 16,000 ha in 2018 to 70,000 ha in 2022). In order to provide the best possible support to producers (both recent and older), the regional players have mobilised to set up this demonstration site in order to acquire references, communicate and create a place for exchanges on this crop.
Find all the highlights of 2021 and Terres Inovia's projects highlighting the operational solutions offered to producers in the activity report.