If you are afraid of having sclerotinia on your rapeseed plots, the Petal Kit, proposed by Terres Inovia, is a simple and efficient way to assess this risk.
The analysis of the nutritional quality of rapeseed and sunflower cakes for the 2020/2021 campaign, carried out in collaboration between Terres Inovia and Terres Univia, and with the voluntary participation of crushers, is available in the form of two separate sheets.
Used to assess the sustainability of farms, SYSTERRE offers a new version, simpler and more efficient for users. Initiated by Arvalis in 2011, this decision support tool is co-developed by Terres Inovia.
During this morning's webinar, Céline FOURNI and Christophe JESTIN presented the symptoms, the biology and the means of control.
It had been understood for several months that phosmet was not going to be re-approved despite the announcement on November 24 by Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie that an additional €2.5 million would be made available to "accelerate research into alternative solutions.
Téo, Terres Inovia's action and communication plan for sunflower, is entering its third year of deployment. For its field actions and recommendations, it focuses on innovation in the crop in 2022.
Le 18 janvier, Terres Inovia a organisé un colloque, « des outils pour innover en ferme ». Organisé en format à distance, il a présenté les outils et démarches opérationnels mis au point dans le cadre du projet OUTILLAGE.
This updated guide provides everything you need to know about growing sunflowers: from the choice of varieties to harvesting and storage, including planting, irrigation, fertilisation and weeding.
As every year, Terres Inovia conducts a survey, commissioned by Terres Univia, on the quality of protein pea seeds at collection. In 2021, despite a disappointing yield, the quality of the seeds remains good.
To help producers make or confirm a varietal choice adapted to their objectives and production context, Terres Inovia proposes, for the first time, lists of recommended spring pea and spring faba bean varieties for the 2022 sowings
The technical institute has just been certified according to the Qualiopi National Quality Standard. This quality standard is mandatory by the Labour Code since January 1, 2022 for all training organizations whose services are supported by public funding.
Sur les parcelles du système innovant de la plateforme du Berry, deux points clés sont à retenir en ce début d’hiver : une gestion du désherbage efficace et une faim d’azote sur des colzas précoces.
Terres Inovia followed with interest the Helio-SPIR network meetings, on November 24 and 25, 2021, in Montpellier. This is an opportunity to keep abreast of innovative technologies with concrete applications in the field.
To help you make or confirm a varietal choice, adapted to your objectives and production contexts, Terres Inovia offers you lists of recommended varieties for 2022 soybean sowing.
Terres Inovia has produced a video in partnership with a farmer youtuber. Broadcast on Marc's YouTube channel, towards conservation agriculture, which has more than 50,000 subscribers, it allowed an expert from the institute to give advice during a constructive exchange on the destruction of the farmer's plant cover and the fertility of his soil.