Exploiting new technologies

The digital revolution is currently transforming agriculture. The work of Terres Inovia involves the integration of new technologies for the acquisition of reference data and the development of more pertinent advice based on remote sensing, connected objects and the management and processing of data (modeling, big data etc.).

New technologies are being applied directly to the three core activities of the institute:

Field experimentation and laboratory: drones and sensors are being used in trials, together with connected traps (insect yellow traps that signal the presence of insects directly, for example).

Studies: In addition to the new modes of acquiring reference data, the many sources of data available are making it possible to address problems without necessarily having to perform new experiments, particularly for subjects linked to long time scales or broad physical scales (landscapes) and for subjects such as agroecology.

Development activities and advising farmers at plot scale: the development activities of the institute and the products and services offered to farmers will evolve significantly through the development of these technologies.

Contact : Frédéric Salvi


Our goals

To exploit new technologies to develop our capacity to acquire reference data, by replacing biometric measurements or complementing them with indirect measurements (remote sensing) in the field.

To centralize, share and valorize all the technical data of the institute more effectively, through the monitoring of plots and plans for surveys and experimentation. One of our objectives is to make all reference data easy to identify, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

To develop new products and services for farmers, through the dynamic monitoring of crops in real time, for example, which has been made possible by the development of remote sensing by satellite and the use of connected objects.

Our main actions

Digital rapeseed: towards the dynamic monitoring of winter rapeseed at the regional scale

Terres Inovia is leading this project bringing together several organizations specializing in agronomy, remote sensing and digital technology. The aim of this project is to construct a pilot real-time monitoring system for the entire growth cycle of rapeseed, based on the use of satellite sensors and connected objects.

Different types of users are envisaged: farmers, for the monitoring of plots on their farms, agricultural agricultural advisers, for spatial inventories of the crops grown in their areas of activity, and cooperatives, to provide a territorial view of production.

Decision-making rules and decision support systems (DSS) directly accessible to all

Terres Inovia has, for many years, been involved in the development of decision support systems (DSS) and calculators (e.g. the rapeseed nitrogen calculator) for refining cropping practices. One of the major issues at stake is the development of interoperability between these tools for our ecosystem. This work has already begun. Ultimately, our tools will be available online for use via diverse channels (e.g. website, smartphone application) and will be accessible to all our partners.

Un système d’informations Data global et centralisé

Le travail d'expertise de l'institut conduit à la production et à une circulation massive de données qui coexistent, se croisent, existent dans différentes versions et formats ou peuvent être stockées à différents endroits, dans le disque dur d'un ordinateur par exemple.

Pour remédier à ces problématiques et à la dispersion de ses données, Terres Inovia a construit et déployé un datalake : système d'informations centralisé, dédié au stockage de tous les types de données : photos, vidéos, fichiers de données, exports de bases de données… Il est structuré en différentes couches et conçu pour accueillir et organiser aussi bien des données brutes que les données validées et « certifiées » par leur producteur.

Il a vocation à centraliser, sécuriser et partager toutes les données au sens large utilisées à Terres Inovia. Un moteur de recherche permet d’identifier les ressources utiles à chacun. L’outil est dans une phase d’appropriation interne, il rentre progressivement dans les habitudes de travail.

Collect, share and value data

For the past few years, Terres Inovia has been using applications from ESRI, a company specializing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and more specifically the ArcGIS Online portal combined with Survey123. It offers a simple and intuitive data collection solution centered on forms for the creation, sharing and analysis of surveys.  

More than 100 forms have thus been created since 2016 within Terres Inovia to collect information. Some are public and put online on the institute's website, in order to identify the presence and monitor the spread of pests (hernia, orobanches, bird damage) on the French territory.  Others are shared with Terres Inovia's partners to collect information within the framework of partnership projects, or only internally to record directly the observations made in the field.

The choice of this software solution allows to collect data, to value them in real time and to share them through dashboards that can be consulted online. More than 30 dashboards have already been created for internal or external use.

Alliance H@rvest - Une chaire partenariale de mécénat autour de l’agriculture numérique

Terres Inovia participe à l’Alliance H@rvest.

Né en 2021, ce consortium a été lancé par une poignée d’acteurs publics et privés : AgroParisTech et sa fondation, Telecom Paris , AgreenTech Valley, UniLasalle, Sofiproteol, la société du canal de Provence, le groupe Exxel et Terres Inovia.

Son objectif : favoriser l’émergence de solutions numériques innovantes dans le domaine agricole, financées par des industriels et le Programme Investissements d’Avenir, afin de relever les défis de la transition des systèmes de production agricoles en lien avec la révolution numérique.

Cette chaire partenariale de mécénat porte des projets afin de tester, expérimenter et développer des méthodes et solutions numériques visant à soutenir la transition numérique et agroécologique.

Elle porte des projets axés autour de trois axes d’intervention :
-Utilisation de capteurs et d’outils de gestion de données
-Accompagner le développement d’Outils d’Aide à la Décision (OAD) pour permettre aux agriculteurs de prédire et anticiper pour prendre les meilleures décisions sur leurs exploitations
-Création de formations initiales et continues innovantes autour de l’agriculture numérique

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