Actions Terres Inovia : contribuer à la transition vers des systèmes robustes - Institutionnel
Contributing to the transition towards robust, multi-performance systems
The volatility of prices, the vagaries of the climate and the resistance of pests… Current systems and the optimization of practices for each crop, individually, are showing their limitations in the face of these challenges. The solution? A move towards robust, multi-performance cropping systems. Terres Inovia is helping farmers to make this transition, by providing useful operational resources for the design and implementation of cropping systems adapted to their needs, the local context and valorizing soil fertility and the natural regulation of pests.
Contact : Stéphane Cadoux

Our goals
To analyze, at the local scale, by production area, the strengths and weaknesses of the cropping systems in place, the expectations of farmers, and to identify on-farm innovations.
To generate operational knowledge, to co-design and evaluate innovations contributing to the robustness and multi-performance of cropping systems.
To contribute to the transition on farms, by developing tools to support farmers and agricultural advisers, who are trained in strategic support at the scale of the cropping system.