From 16 May to 6 June, Terres Inovia is organising four webinars on the use of oilseeds in animal feed, but also of legumes for human consumption.
On 13 April, the institute organised a visit to the demonstration farm, consisting of the Syppre Champagne platform and Terrasolis Low Carbon Farm.
On 10 May, the final of the 2nd edition of the Cap Protéines Challenge was held. 6 teams were invited and one of them won. Discover all the projects presented as well as the winners.
L'Observatoire de la qualité des graines vient de diffuser ses fiches pour la récolte 2022. Pour la première fois, les graines de lupin ont été analysées.
Les rendez-vous régionalisés de Proléobio, co-organisés par Terres Inovia, ont permis de fédérer les acteurs en recherche et développement autour de plusieurs problématiques des différents bassins de production.
Organic soybean, lentil and chickpea crops: Terres Inovia unveils new versions of three legume crop guides to support farmers in the 2023 campaign.
Launched in September 2022, "L'actu R&D des oléoprotéagines en France" has just released its second issue.
During the annual Innovation Research Development (IRD) day in Occitania, Terres Inovia intervened to explain the effects of the previous crop in the case of leguminous crops to allow a greater robustness of systems and a better resilience of farms.
Chaque année, les expérimentateurs du projet Syppre en limons profonds de Picardie font un bilan des résultats et enseignements de la campagne écoulée, et en pluriannuel depuis le début de l’expérimentation.
The IDF (Innovation Fund for the Competitiveness of Legume Production) call for projects is intended to finance applied collaborative research projects.
In December 2022, a major action plan was launched to reduce the impact of fall pests in rapeseed.
On March 14, nearly 70 people gathered at the agricultural high school in Castelnaudary (Aude) for the general assembly of FILEG.
The right time to harvest sunflowers is determined at planting.
Chaque année, les expérimentateurs du projet Syppre en sols argilo-calcaires du Berry font un bilan des résultats et enseignements, de la campagne écoulée, et en pluriannuel depuis le début de l’expérimentation.
Bird damage to crops is considered by producers as a major technical and economic problem. Chambres d'Agriculture France proposes a national declaration tool. Terres Inovia joins this initiative.