The Tech&Bio exhibition, organized in Bourg-lès-Valence, in the Drôme region, brought together more than 18,000 people and 375 exhibitors. Four conferences and workshops were led by Terres Inovia experts.
While lentil yields are very disappointing in all production regions, chickpea production is holding steady despite the difficulties.
Terres Inovia presented a conference on mechanical extraction at the 18th Euro Fed LIPID congress, which took place from October 18 to 21, in the presence of many European specialists and scientists.
This year, oilseed rape was sown in the two cropping systems of the platform. A look at the differences in technical itineraries in video with Nicolas Latraye, development engineer at Terres Inovia.
Terres Inovia has developed and put online on its website two new decision support tools to estimate the risk linked to the presence of terminal bud weevil and winter flea beetle larvae in a rapeseed plot.
Terres Inovia was a partner, with the Interprofession Terres Univia, of a start-up competition: the Eco AgriFood Challenge. This event, whose final took place on September 28 and 29 in Dijon, aims to identify innovative start-ups and SMEs with a view to making real changes to the ecological impact of agricultural production.
Results of the CRÉDOC study on the place of legumes in dietary behaviors and attitudes in France, carried out within the framework of Cap Protéines
Terres Inovia trains and accompanies advisors in the implementation of an approach to support farmers in the agro-ecological transition of their farms.
Un peu plus de 200 000 ha de pois en culture pure ont été implantés en 2021, dont 1/3 en pois d’hiver, et autour de 80 000 ha en féverole, dont plus de la moitié en féverole d’hiver.
Ten schools are already on the starting line !
The Plant2Pro meetings took place on September 16 and 17 in Sophia Antipolis. A look back at these days rich in exchanges and expertise.
L’institut sera présent au salon Tech&Bio, qui aura lieu à Bourg-lès-Valence, dans la Drôme, du 21 au 23 septembre.
The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity has just made official the approval of the "Low-carbon label for field crops" method. Terres Inovia had participated in its drafting and will now accompany local projects related to a reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG).
La plateforme Syppre Picardie a mené des travaux pour évaluer finement la fertilité des sols. Explication en vidéo.
FranceAgriMer, Arvalis et Terres Inovia dressent un premier bilan des récoltes 2021 de céréales à paille, colza et protéagineux.