Terres Inovia participates in groups of common interest, at the interface between research and economics.

Terres Inovia is a stakeholder in several organizations.


PROMOSOL, the association for the promotion and selection of oil crops, mobilizes seed companies (UFS: oléagineux), INRA, Terres Univia and Terres Inovia in research projects. This association, endowed with two commissions for rapeseed and sunflower and a scientific board, contributes to the emergence of research programs and their funding.

The GIE (group of economic interest) PROCOLZA

This group of economic interest supports and dynamizes research and development for rapeseed.

The “Protein Crop Breeders Group”

This group brings together the principal pea and field bean breeders in France, for collective varietal improvement programs.

The GIE GAO Arvalis – Terres Univia – Terres Inovia

This group federates the cereal and oil-crop families for research projects on aspects of the biomass and non-dietary uses of plant products.

The GIS Field Crops With High Economic and Environmental Performances (GC-HP2E)

This group of scientific interest (GIS) was created in 2009 by INRA, the agricultural technical institutes for field crops (ARVALIS-Institut du végétal, Terres Inovia, ITB, UNIP), APCA and ONEMA, following the Grenelle de l’Environnement (a major environmental conference in France). The founding members were subsequently joined by other institutional and professional actors concerned about the future of field crops in relation to the environment.

It develops field crop production systems with better economic and environmental performances. Multiple means of action are used to act on the various steps in the process of innovation (organization of meetings, working groups, financial support for projects).

Terres Inovia participates on the strategic orientation committee, contributes financially.

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GIS Green Biotechnologies

The group of scientific interest Green Biotechnologies aims to create technologies and skills for the development of innovative varieties. It is supported by a very large network of public and private sector partners from research organizations, seed companies representatives of various sectors, technical institutes and centers of competitiveness.

It was set up in February 2011, for a duration of 10 years, following on from the Genoplante network, which enabled French research to position itself at the highest level in Europe and internationally.

Terres Inovia is a partner in several GIS Green Biotechnologies project.

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The Carnot Plant2Pro Institute

Plant2Pro received accreditation in 2016 for six years (2017-2022) from the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education. It brings together academic research laboratories and agricultural technical institutes (INRA, ARVALIS-Institut du Végétal, IFV, Terres Inovia, CNRS, AgroCampus Ouest, AgroParisTech, AgroSup Dijon and SupAgro Montpellier), to support companies and promote innovation and transfer in the domains of plant breeding, crop protection and biocontrol, agronomy, cropping systems and precision agriculture, through digital applications in particular.

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Founded in 1943 under the name of AFECG, the SFEL brings together industry players and research laboratories, the specialties of fatty substances and related fields. It organizes meetings, conferences or competitions, compiles documentation and participates in articles and reviews. The association also awards grants to promote research of general interest in the oils, fats and lipids industry.


REVALIM: a scientific interest grouping on the environmental assessment of agricultural and food products

The GIS REVALIM was created by ADEME, INRAE and the networks of agricultural technical institutes, Acta, and agro-food institutes, ACTIA. Its mission is to develop methods and data to support agricultural and food industry players in their eco-design of production, processing and distribution methods, as well as to develop support for consumer information.

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