Terres Inovia positions itself on the European stage through research projects and coordination activities. It also supports its networks outside of funded projects, by regularly participating in the oil-protein crop group of OILB on the theme of crop protection, for example.

This has enabled the institute to take part in four projects with H2020 funding beginning in 2017, including one that it coordinates.


The ReMix research project, coordinated by INRA, involves the redesign of cropping systems based on associations of crop species.

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The IWMPRAISE project, coordinated by Aarhus University in Denmark, focuses on the practical implementation of integrated weed management solutions in various crops.

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ClieNFarms: towards carbon neutrality with farms

This European project started in January 2022 for four years. It aims to support the transition of farms towards carbon neutrality in the agri-food sector by 2050. Coordinated by INRAE, it brings together 33 partners, including Acta, which represents Terres Inovia, Idele and Arvalis.

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The DIVERIMPACTS project, on crop diversification at the farm, sector and territory scales, also coordinated by INRA, provides an opportunity for agricultural institutes to showcase the SYPPRE regional platforms.

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The LegValue project, coordinated by Terres Inovia, aims to promote the development of sustainable and competitive agriculture, through agricultural systems based on legumes for animal and human consumption in the European Union.

To this end, the project will evaluate the agronomic, economic and environmental advantages of producing and using legumes, in both conventional and organic agriculture.

This is a very large European network, based on 24 farm networks and 31 sector case studies, including the subsistence, local and national value chains.

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INCREASE is the name of a new European project which started in June 2020 for a period of 5 years. Its objective is to set up a collective organization to manage and use the genetic resources of four food legumes (chickpea, common bean, lentil and lupine). By focusing on these four cultures, the project will implement a new approach to conserve, manage and characterize genetic resources.

Terres Inovia's role is to set up a consortium of stakeholders, bringing together all the economic players in the value chains, interested in the use of these genetic resources, whether they are breeders, collectors or processors.


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This European project, piloted by the horticulture and seeds research institute, aims to improve the efficiency of variety evaluation and the information available to stakeholders on the performance of varieties under various production conditions. Ten plant species, including the sunflower, will be studied. It started in mid-2019 for a period of 5 years, and brings together 27 partners from 12 different countries.


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