RMTs (mixed technological networks; réseaux mixtes technologiques) were established by the French Ministry of Agriculture in 2006, in the framework of the agricultural orientation law. They bring together a group of experts from different horizons (research, development, training) and focus on various themes, with the aim of encouraging the sharing of knowledge, decisions concerning the research or experiments that should be set up, and the organization of transfer to the field.

Terres Inovia is a partner in 7 RMTs.


The RMT BIOREG starts from the observation that biodiversity and climate change are major challenges for the agricultural sector. On the one hand, the use of phytosanitary products, the reduction of cultivated plant diversity or the homogenization and simplification of landscapes are now recognized as practices that can contribute to the decline of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and limit sustainability of agriculture. On the other hand, the current climate change impacts the phenology of crops, the stability of yields but also biodiversity, via for example changes in the distribution of species and the multiplication of invasive species which leads to changes in natural regulatory mechanisms. This RMT therefore aims to support the design and management of cropping systems by proposing combinations of agro-ecological levers optimizing biological control by conservation, based on a fine understanding of the functioning of the natural regulation processes of pests in agricultural landscapes. It aims to create a framework for the development and sharing of protocols, interfaces and analysis tools with the aim of centralizing and harmonizing data to meet the challenges displayed. Hosted by ASTREDHOR and INRAE, it brings together 35 partners, including agricultural technical institutes including Terres Inovia, players in research and education.

Contacts :




Fields & territories

Significant changes have emerged in recent years and have been reinforced recently, with the rise of issues of water quality, biodiversity, food systems, health, global warming. At the same time, the organizational forms of R&D and agricultural advice have evolved. Taking these issues into account results in: - a need to work with a more comprehensive approach than culture systems with issues integrating the territorial dimension, - increased recognition of collective initiatives within the agricultural world, - the expression of a need for renewal of ways to support the development of agriculture, farmers and collectives. This RMT, which builds on the achievements of the RMT "Innovative culture systems" (2007-2019), has the following objectives: - innovate in territories and farms, by supporting and stimulating the dynamics of transition to agro-ecology, - to develop the skills of co-innovation of the actors of the territories (animators, managers, advisers) by learning to build agricultural systems and food systems which contribute in a coherent way to agroecological transitions and to sustainability, by mobilizing time scales long and wider spatial scales than the cultivated field, - to establish the organizational conditions for the development of co-innovation by promoting exchanges between those responsible for Research-Training-Action, - to produce resources useful to other territories, capable of inspiring public policies, or useful for training in higher education or agricultural technique, - capitalize on successful innovations by amplifying tracking procedures and making them available in tools such as GECO. Led by the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Burgundy Franche-Comté, this RMT brings together 26 partners including technical agricultural institutes, including Terres Inovia, players in research, education, chambers of agriculture.

Contact : s.cadoux@terresinovia.fr


The RMT BOUCLAGE is part of the circular economy, at the interface between agroecology and bioeconomy. Its work program aims to support the implementation of the agricultural component of the Roadmap for the Agricultural Economy (FREC), made public by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on February 28, 2019. Its objective is to produce references, methods and tools to better support the various actors concerned (farmers, agricultural advisers, trainers, resource and territory managers, public authorities), in the changes in practices and strategic choices made, with a view to better looping of biogeochemical cycles, sustainable management of agricultural resources and better control of the risks of environmental and health impacts. Led by ACTA and INRAE, this RMT brings together 44 partners, including agricultural technical institutes including Terres Inovia, players in research and education, chambers of agriculture.

Contact : f.flenet@terresinovia.fr


With the announced increase in the world’s population, the question of the availability of dietary protein to adequately feed the entire population is a crucial one. In addition, our mode of consumption dominated by animal proteins is questioned and we observe a food transition in developed countries which is characterized by a reduction in their consumption in favor of vegetable proteins. This development must be accompanied by an offer of food products based on vegetable proteins offering a nutritional quality compatible with covering all the needs of the population. The challenge of RMT PROT & IN is to guide the development of the supply of 2nd generation protein ingredients and foods, by placing users at the heart of the process. The exploration of protein sourcing and the rational exploitation of these sources (legumes, oleo-protein crops, cereals, tubers, leaf proteins, algae, fungi, insects) will be the basis of diversification and innovation and will meet societal demand (naturalness, authenticity, local production, etc.) The RMT intends to offer manufacturers of protein extraction and the preparation of the proteins obtained, the most suitable technologies for producing ingredients protein or PAI (intermediate food products) with high added value, which are now necessary to formulate and process 2nd generation products. Coordinated by ADIV, this RMT brings together 10 partner structures, including agro-industrial technical centers, an agricultural technical institute (Terres Inovia), a technical partner, research and higher education organizations, an agricultural technical high school.

Contact : a.quinsac@terresinovia.fr


Faced with major economic and climatic risks, the food challenge involves securing the diet of Europeans in terms of quantity and quality, but also in terms of health security. The priority is to support the development and dissemination of efficient production systems from an economic, environmental and health point of view. The RMT Al-Chimie is interested in scientific and technical questions relating to various chemical contaminations, of natural or anthropogenic origin, which can affect the sanitary quality of food, in a context of change in agricultural and agro-industrial practices and change climatic. Its action program revolves around 3 thematic axes to which is added an animation and transfer project: - identify, characterize and quantify chemical contaminants, - understand the impacts due to changes, on the levels of contamination and guide practices, - predict the accumulation and transfer of contaminants along the production chain. Led by ACTA, INRAE ​​and ITERG, this RMT brings together 30 partners: technical institutes including Terres Inovia, several INRAE ​​centers, a higher education and research establishment, an agricultural technical education establishment, a chamber of agriculture, professional associations and organizations, ANSES.

Contact: s.dauguet@terresinovia.fr


This RMT, coordinated by ACTA, focuses on the application of data science and modeling methods in the agricultural and agri-food processing sector. Its objective is to animate the community around these methods and their applications on the diversity of themes by organizing exchanges, by carrying out deepening or pooling work, by bringing new skills via training and by providing expertise necessary for partner projects presenting important actions in data science or modeling. Its action program revolves around 3 components: - taking into account new ways of acquiring information in the agricultural and agro-food fields, - taking into account the many methods from applied mathematics to build predictive models and simplify their use, - the implementation of participative activities (data challenge, hackathons) giving participants the opportunity to test themselves methods and tools on data sets directly linked to practical questions. It brings together several partners, including technical agricultural institutes including Terres Inovia, players in research and higher education, the regional chamber of agriculture in Normandy.

Contact : s.gervois@terresinovia.fr

En savoir plus


The French agro-food sectors are subject to requirements which have been considerably strengthened and made more complex in recent years. The demands expressed by the final consumer market show that consumer-citizens are rapidly raising concerns about their health, and ethical concerns such as the treatment of animals or the impact on the environment. Public policies and regulations strive to meet these expectations and other common issues such as the fight against climate change, the erosion of biodiversity, the rise of obesity. Based on this observation, the purpose of the RMT is to study the dynamics under way in the economy and the organization of the food chains and the forces which direct them: - the demands expressed by the final consumer market, including ethical and societal issues, and competitive relationships and complementarity with export markets and international competition; - expectations of common interest carried by public policies and regulations such as the preservation of health, the environment (fight against climate change, quality of water, air and soil), good -be animal; - the relationships and methods of organizing the supply chains, which guide both the ways of producing and consuming and most often indirectly connect consumers and agricultural producers. Other fundamental factors of change in the agrifood sectors must also be taken into account: the internationalization of agricultural and food markets, the renewal of generations of farmers and the evolution of forms of agriculture, the technological and organizational disruptions brought about by digital… The vocation of the RMT Filarmoni is to build syntheses of knowledge, to provoke debates between research and development organizations, to constitute the starting point for finalized research projects or the construction of common knowledge bases (databases, devices observation). The production of thematic syntheses will allow comparative analyzes between sectors. Content usable for higher and secondary education will be specifically produced.

Supported by the IFIP-Pork Institute, this RMT brings together 19 partners, including agricultural technical institutes including Terres Inovia, players in education and research, APCA, FranceAgriMer.

Contact : v.lecomte@terresinovia.fr


RMT NAEXUS - Développer l’Enseignement, l'eXpérimentation et les Usages de l'agriculture numérique

Le RMT NAEXUS porte sur le déploiement des innovations numériques en agriculture, partant du constat d’un faible taux et d’une disparité d’adoption de ces technologies au sein des exploitations et des filières françaises et européennes.

Il a pour objectif de fédérer et d’animer une large communauté d’acteurs de la recherche appliquée, de l’innovation, de la formation et du développement agricole pour identifier les freins à cette adoption et accompagner une transition numérique amenée à se développer dans les années à venir.

Son programme s'articule autour de 4 axes :

-Structurer la veille en agriculture numérique

-Evaluer de manière rigoureuse l'intérêt des technologies numériques

-Combler les besoins de formation

-Accompagner le changement.

Animé par l’ACTA et INRAE, ce RMT réunit une cinquantaine de partenaires, parmi lesquels des instituts techniques agricoles, dont Terres Inovia, des acteurs de la recherche, de l’enseignement, et des chambres d’agriculture.

La dimension européenne est également présente dans les travaux du réseau, qui collaborera avec le "European Digital Test Farm Network".

Le RMT NAEXUS est labellisé pour 5 ans à compter du 1er janvier 2021.

Contact : g.decosnac@terresinovia.fr

RMT climA – Adaptation des exploitations agricoles au changement climatique

Le RMT ClimA a été labellisé pour 5 ans à compter du 1er janvier 2021.

Il vise une adaptation conjointe et efficace des productions, des filières et des territoires agricoles au changement climatique, en cohérence avec la multi-performance des exploitations agricoles et les enjeux d’atténuation du climat.

Il se donne comme ambition d’assurer la mise en réseau des compétences et de favoriser les échanges et la coordination entre les acteurs, pour la conception, la capitalisation et la mise à disposition :

Des données et outils nécessaires à l’étude des impacts du changement climatique sur les productions agricoles et leur environnement ;

Des études d’impact du changement climatique sur les exploitations agricoles à différentes échelles (géographiques, filières, temporelles…) utiles pour identifier des leviers d’adaptation à court et long terme ;

Des outils pour le conseil, des ressources pédagogiques pour la formation initiale et continue des professionnels, des méthodes et postures, pour l’accompagnement des exploitations agricoles à s’engager dans une stratégie d’adaptation au changement climatique.

Animé par l’APCA et ARVALIS-Institut du végétal, ce RMT réunit 31 partenaires, parmi lesquels des instituts techniques agricoles, dont Terres Inovia, des acteurs de la recherche et du développement, de l’enseignement et des chambres d’agriculture.

Contact : s.gervois@terresinovia.fr

RMT BESTIM - Stimuler la santé de la plante dans des systèmes agroécologiques

L’évolution de l’agriculture fait face à de fortes attentes sociétales. L’une d’elle vise à réduire drastiquement l’utilisation d’intrants de synthèse et notamment de produits phytopharmaceutiques.

Le RMT BESTIM s’insère dans cette logique et propose le concept « d’immunité agroécologique » qui vise à optimiser la stimulation de la santé des plantes (au sens large) dans des systèmes agroécologiques performants.

Il a pour finalité de transférer les connaissances acquises du laboratoire au terrain, et de les associer à d’autres leviers alternatifs déjà disponibles ou en cours de mise au point, pour aboutir à des systèmes de culture reconçus et tendant vers du « bas intrants ».

Son programme est structuré autour des 5 axes suivants :

-Veille à l'innovation sur les leviers et méthodes liés à l'immunité écologique,

-Optimisation des méthodologies d'évaluation et de mise en oeuvre des leviers de l'immunité agroécologique (intégrant le rôle du microbiote),

-Caractérisation des mécanismes des leviers et de leurs interactions en vue d'optimiser l'immunité agroécologique,

-Reconception des systèmes de culture,

-Formation et communication sur l'immunité agroécologique.

Le RMT BESTIM réunit de nombreux organismes désireux de s’engager collectivement dans cette démarche d’immunité agroécologique, dont Terres Inovia. Labellisé pour 5 ans à compter du 1er janvier 2021, il repose sur les acquis du RMT Elicitra (2010-2019).

Il est animé par ARVALIS - Institut du végétal, appuyé par Vegenov, INRAE, l'Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle et l'Institut Agro – Sup Agro.

Contact : a.penaud@terresinovia.fr

RMT GAFAd – Gestion agroécologique de la flore adventice

Ce RMT labellisé pour une durée de 5 ans à compter du 1er janvier 2021, s’appuie sur les acquis du RMT Florad (2010-2019). Son animation est assurée par l’ACTA, appuyé par INRAE, l’EPLEFPA de Toulouse-Auzeville et l’APCA.

Il a pour objectif de développer et promouvoir des stratégies et des systèmes de gestion agroécologique de la flore adventice, de conservation de la biodiversité intégrant une réduction forte de l’utilisation des herbicides.

Le RMT GAFAd concerne l’ensemble des productions végétales, avec une priorité donnée aux cultures assolées : grandes cultures, légumes plein champ, plantes médicinales, plantes à parfum.

Il réunit les partenaires suivants : l’ACTA, ARVALIS-Institut du végétal, Terres Inovia, l’ITB, la FNAMS, l’ITEIPMAI, INRAE, l’école d'ingénieur de Purpan, AGROSUP Dijon, l’EPLEFPA de Toulouse-Auzeville, Agro Transfert Ressources et territoires, l’APCA et le Conservatoire Botanique National des Pyrénées et de Midi Pyrénées.

Contact : f.vuillemin@terresinovia.fr