Operational resources to tool the step-by-step design of agro-ecological cropping systems on farms

Terres Inovia coordinates the "Tooling" project, funded by the Casdar, which began in 2018 for a duration of 3.5 years.

Its objective is to develop, for and with farmers and the advisors who support them, tools that enable them to test, evaluate and continuously adapt innovations that meet their expectations, and to help them in this process.

The project relies on three existing farmer networks - the Agrosol club (led by Vivescia), the CETA de Sempesserre (led by Agro d'Oc) and the Berry network (led by Terres Inovia) - which contribute to the development of the resources produced, and on a broader regional partnership to encourage the exchange of ideas and the change of scale.

It brings together 23 partners: Agro d'Oc, Vivescia, Isara-Lyon, INRAe (UMR Agronomy and UMR SAD-APT), the chambers of agriculture Ariège, Normandy, Indre, Marne, Occitanie, CETA Romilly, Cérèsia, Ets Villemont, UCATA, EPL Toulouse-Auzeville and Eure, Arvalis-Institut du végétal, Itb, FDGEDA Cher, CETA Issoudun, GRCETA Aube, Axereal.

Contact : s.cadoux@terresinovia.fr

Jeudi de TI : Adapting innovations to support the agro-ecological transition on the farm - January 6, 2022

Tooling conference presentation - January 18, 2022

Download the presentation of the tooling conference - January 18, 2022