Les quatre éditions de janvier 2023 d'Arvalis & Terres Inovia infos viennent de paraître avec un focus sur les variétés de tournesol et l'outil d'aide au choix variétal myvar, qui fait peau neuve.
Inrae a demandé à Terres Inovia de participer à l’élaboration d’un livre blanc intitulé "Protéines végétales pour une santé globale : identification des connaissances, verrous et leviers pour leur développement dans l’alimentation humaine".
This dossier dedicated to Cap Protéines outlines its achievements and shows the extent to which this programme has been a springboard for oilseeds. The work initiated must therefore be continued to ensure the sustainability of these crops - and a fortiori of seed legumes - on French territory.
The "Jeudis de TI" are webinars where Terres Inovia's experts offer to discuss the latest news on oilseeds and the innovative solutions implemented by the institute in 30 minutes.
Jeudi 15 décembre, 12 équipes présélectionnées ont pitché leur projet en visio pour le Cap Protéines Challenge 2. 6 d'entre elles ont été retenues. Découvrez qui sont les participants sont et comment ils vont se préparer pour la finale du 10 mai 2023.
Terres Inovia coordinates this project to structure a seed legume sector in Occitania. Born in 2017, FILEG is now an association that brings together 80 actors in the sector.
On December 8, 2022, in Paris, the main partners gathered for the launch meeting of this Plan.
The December 2022 issue of Arvalis & Terres Inovia infos has just been published.
As part of the Cap Protéines programme, Terres Inovia's Ardon laboratory conducted a survey to provide tools to promote the use of plant proteins and innovation by the agri-food industry.
Terres Inovia's physico-chemical analysis laboratory, based in Ardon, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Its role? It determines, evaluates and controls the technological and nutritional quality criteria of oilseeds and oil cakes. Presentation.
The regional project PEI- PARTAGE, which brings together 18 partners, will end at the end of the year after three and a half years of work. Its main results were presented at a restitution conference on November 17.
Terres Inovia is working hard to find levers to create a more sustainable agriculture. The institute participated in a workshop of the Plants for the future platform, which aims to provide recommendations and strategic guidance for European policy makers.
On Thursday 1 December, Terres Inovia and its partners organised the 2nd edition of the Idéathon - Feeding Creativity as part of Cap Protéines. Two winning teams attracted the interest of a panel of experts: Graines gourmandes and Shiva.
Terres Inovia has updated and enriched its guide to growing winter and spring sweet white lupin in organic and conventional farming. This excellent rotation head, adapted to acid soils, has nutritional characteristics sought after in human and animal nutrition, with one of the highest protein contents among seed legumes.