Studies and operational research

Researchers, assistant engineers and technicians contribute to innovation and expertise in oil and protein crops by performing studies aiming to develop operational reference tools for producers, their[JS2] agricultural advisers and the companies of the sector.

These studies essentially cover agricultural production (cropping systems and practices, crop protection, plant breeding) and the initial transformation of products (particularly the crushing of oilseeds). The subjects studied are chosen according to feedback from development workers concerning needs in the field.

This work involves scientific and technical watch activities and the acquisition and processing of data (from experiments, surveys, modeling etc.). Much of this work is performed in partnership with public researchers, other technical institutes, agroindustry (manufacture of inputs or product transformation), agricultural development workers, storage organizations and producers.

The results of the studies performed by the institute are communicated via various channels: scientific articles, the specialist agricultural press, decision support tools, the training of technicians and farmers, meetings and visits in the field, websites, social media.


scientific publications per year


articles in the national and regional press


online decision support tools

Exemples d'actions

Réglette Azote Colza - The nitrogen calculator

This decision support tool can be used to calculate the amount of nitrogen to apply on rapeseed crops at the end of winter, to optimize production potential and decrease the risks of losses to the environment. It was developed more than 20 years ago, as a result of the implementation and analysis of experiments (69 to date) that served to parametrize the nitrogen balance sheet method for rapeseed. This tool, which is now available as a smartphone app, has been improved to extend its validity to a broad range of regional agricultural situations.


This network of experimental platforms, run in partnership with ARVALIS and ITB, is emblematic of the institute’s operational studies. Five platforms are currently testing innovative cropping systems in association with groups of farmers, who help to define technical objectives and implement these innovations on their farms. This system involves a large number of researchers from Terres Inovia, particularly those studying the design of cropping systems, agricultural economics, integrated weed management and soil management.