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Mobilisation of the 2023 regional phosmet phase-out action plan committees

13 Oct 2023

The six regional committees of the phosmet phase-out action plan, supported from 2023 to 2025 as part of the Adaptacol2 project and led by Terres Inovia's regional engineers, are designed to bring together the players in the field of advice, distribution and agricultural education in the regions in order to accelerate the uptake of the agronomic levers already available and massively expand the evaluation of new management levers for autumn rapeseed pests.

These players, through their advisors, are often the first point of contact with farmers or future farmers. Within the Plan's regional committees, they meet up for field visits and indoor discussions, in order to share information on how to manage autumn rapeseed pests in their region. These committees, which are the Plan's regional anchors, become the ideal forum for technical exchanges between prescribers, through the sharing of protocols and the results of experiments carried out by the regional partners.

The work carried out within the committees is a means of increasing the acquisition of references on management levers on different scales (trials, networks of plots and territories), as well as an opportunity to accelerate the deployment of the strategies tested and developed during the Plan among technicians and farmers.

For the 2022-2023 oilseed rape campaign, around a hundred regional partners took part in the regional committees, the majority of them setting up one or more experimental facilities in order to highlight the work of all these experimental partners. Terres Inovia offers you a summary in a few figures of the scale of the 2023 mobilisation (below).

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