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Review the TI Thursdays 2023 sessions

31 Jul 2023

"Les Jeudis de TI" (TI Thursdays) are webinars where Terres Inovia experts discuss the latest news on oilseeds and the innovative solutions implemented by the institute in 30 minutes. During these exchanges, our experts are available to answer participants' questions.

Demonstration of myvar, Terres Inovia's varietal selection tool

January 12, 2023

Since 2015, has been the benchmark site for choosing rapeseed, sunflower, soybean and flax varieties, and for the past few years, peas, faba beans, lupins, chickpeas and lentils. After 7 years of loyal service, it was time to modernize the bodywork and overhaul the engine. January 2023 will see the launch of a brand new site. Users will enjoy easier navigation, improved ergonomics (now compatible with all screens) and additional functionalities. For example, a new varietal OAD* combining productivity and agronomy will be integrated. But hush! You'll have to attend TI Thursday to find out!

* OAD: decision-support tool

Speaker : Arnaud VAN BOXSOM


Phosmet phase-out action plan: how are research and development players mobilizing to support the withdrawal of an insecticide from rapeseed?

January 19, 2023

How are research and development players mobilizing to support the withdrawal of an insecticide from oilseed rape? Faced with strong pressure from autumn pests and the withdrawal of phosmet announced for January 2022, the government, in partnership with the oilseed and protein industry, has launched a major plan to identify and deploy alternative strategies to reduce attacks and the harmfulness of autumn pests of oilseed rape: the Phosmet Exit Action Plan, co-led by Terres Inovia.

What are the main lines of research under this plan to reduce the impact of pests and develop effective, operational alternatives? Laurine Brillault, project manager at Terres Inovia, will present the main points. The webinar will also focus on the project led by Terres Inovia in partnership with development players: Adaptacol2, which aims to provide farmers and agricultural technicians with integrated protection strategies that will enable them to limit the attacks and harmfulness of winter flea beetle and terminal bud weevil on rapeseed through a change in practices at plot and territorial level.

Find out more about ​​​​​​​the phosmet phase-out action plan

Speaker : Laurine BRILLAULT

A tool for predicting rapeseed stem weevil flights

February 9, 2023

Spring pests pose a serious threat to oilseed rape plots. The rapeseed stem weevil causes stem deformation and can weaken the plant. Severe damage can lead to yield losses of up to 50% in some cases. However, it is not possible to detect the presence of the adult insect by direct observation in plots. Although flight monitoring is carried out by trapping in yellow vials positioned on the surface of vegetation, no study has yet established a relationship between the number of adult insects caught and their harmfulness, which remains unpredictable.

To predict the flight dynamics of this spring pest, Terres Inovia has just developed a new Decision Support Tool (DST), available free of charge since January 2023. It can be used to generate a graph or map showing the evolution of the daily risk of capturing weevils, by commune or on a national scale. This tool brings together records of weevil captures in yellow vials from 2011 onwards, cross-referenced with data from the weather stations closest to each capture point. The use of modern statistical methods has enabled us to establish a series of links between weather conditions and the probability of the pest's presence on crops. Discover this new tool for field testing at the next Jeudi de TI on February 9.

Speaker : Quentin LEGROS​​​​​​​​​

Making cropping systems more self-sufficient in nitrogen: results of the PARTAGE project

February 23, 2023

Finding solutions to make cropping systems more self-sufficient in nitrogen and with less environmental impact: this is the aim of the PARTAGE project, the Regional Agronomic Program for Agroecological Transition in the Grand Est region, led by the Grand Est Chamber of Agriculture. Terres Inovia led one of the three axes of this project: producing seed legumes in cropping systems in the Grand Est region (multi-criteria evaluation, agronomic diagnosis, strategic OAD).

For over three years, the 18 project partners have been sharing and disseminating knowledge on agro-ecological issues to reduce nitrogen emissions, one of the main sources of agricultural pollution. The work involved mobilizing a network of farmers (Living Lab) and conducting experiments. The objectives are to reduce nitrogen losses by controlling mineral nitrogen inputs to cereals as closely as possible to their needs, to increase symbiotic nitrogen input through the production of seed legumes with their bouquet of services, and to recycle organic matter via methanization digestates in local areas.

Speakers : Anne SCHNEIDER & Bastien REMURIER


Innovation: on track for tomorrow's new products!

March 16, 2023

There's only one step from field to plate. To create tomorrow's outlets for vegetable oils and proteins, Terres Inovia is actively involved in innovative competitions alongside its Interprofession Terres Univia. The aim? To identify the most promising start-up projects that will become the products sold on supermarket shelves, and to integrate these projects into the growing agrifood ecosystem. Focus on two competitions co-organized by Terres Inovia: Cap protéines Challenge and Idéathon. What do they involve? What products have emerged from these competitions? Find out what nuggets are emerging from our crops in our next TI Thursday.

Speakers : Maria MALKOUN & Marie DUBOT (Terres Univia)

Sunflower: when to sow for harvest? Demonstration of Terres Inovia's decision-support tool

March 30, 2023

For a successful sunflower crop, choosing the right sowing date for the soil and climate conditions and the earliness of the variety is essential for harvesting in good conditions. A decision-making tool designed by Terres Inovia has been updated and reparameterized to be as close as possible to reality in the field. It enables you to estimate your harvest period according to your location and choice of variety or varietal earliness. What is this tool and how do I use it?

Speaker : Véronique QUARTIER

Current situation and outlook for soybean development in Western France

April 6, 2023

How to grow soybeans successfully in new basins? A network of multi-partner observatories, run by Terres Inovia as part of the Cap Protéines program in the west of France, has identified production potential in different contexts, as well as yield-limiting factors. The results of the agronomic observatory network were complemented by a second simulation of technical and economic scenarios for integrating the crop into crop rotation on typical farms in the west of France.

Speaker : Thomas MEAR


Integrate the rapeseed nitrogen chart to calculate mineral nitrogen doses

April 20, 2023

Terres Inovia digitizes its decision rules and offers them in API format to make them interoperable and facilitate their distribution. Discover an operational use case deployed by PRECIFIELD thanks to the API-Agro platform: how the Réglette azote colza API can be used to calculate the dose of mineral nitrogen to be applied intra-plot in the spring to the rapeseed plots of its farmer customers.

Speakers : Frédéric SALVI, Agdatahub, Precifield


Mixed weed control in soybean: Terres Inovia reviews its trial results

April 27, 2023

Combining mechanical weeding and herbicides is an interesting way of reducing IFT. Terres Inovia has been carrying out trials on soybeans since 2016, combining currycomb harrowing, hoeing and pre-emergence or post-emergence herbicides in different climatic contexts. Efficacy results on simple weeds and then on grasses will be presented, along with an assessment of the IFT, working times and costs of these strategies.

Speaker : Fanny VUILLEMIN

Assessing soil biological fertility to boost crop performance

May 11, 2023

Le stockage de carbone dans les sols, la minéralisation des matières organiques et la mise à disposition d’éléments minéraux pour les cultures dépendent des microorganismes qui permettent ainsi de renforcer les performances des cultures et d’aller vers des systèmes plus durables. Comment alors optimiser les pratiques pour stocker du carbone dans les sols tout en fournissant des éléments nutritifs aux plantes ?The Microbioterre project, which was completed at the end of 2021 after more than four years' work, has identified a range of relevant laboratory indicators, transferable to routine laboratories, to assess the effect of organic matter management practices. Experimental set-ups and summaries of scientific results have made it possible to create a reference system and a comprehensive guide to how to diagnose and monitor soil evolution.

Speaker : Anne-Sophie PERRIN


Upcoming sessions :

October 05, 2023: How to increase the protein content of rapeseed? Presentation of the In Petto project

October 19, 2023: Sunflower: how to optimize planting?

November 19, 2023: Demonstration of the sunflower economic margin calculation tool

December 14, 2023: Cap agronomie: a new training/coaching program for advisors initiated by Terres Inovia

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