PROLEOBIO Centre & West 2022
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PROLEOBIO Centre & West 2022
04 May 2022
Terres Inovia and its partners have organised, as they do every year, regional meetings on organic farming. The aim of these meetings is to share and exchange information on innovative practices in organic farming and on the work and results in the region. Thus, various regional players in organic farming collaborate and participate in these meetings.
The PROLEOBIO working group (ITAB, Terres Inovia and Chambres d'agricultures) for the Centre & West region proposed this year 2 sessions in webinar format which took place on Tuesday 26 April 2022.
Oilseeds : harvesting, how to avoid the headache?
- Lens : how to choose the right tutor ? (Zoé Le Bihan - Terres Inovia)
- Controlling the swathing of oilseeds : in what situations and with what equipment ?
- Harvesting in two stages: mowing and swathing (Florent Georges - FDCuma du Gers)
- Mowing/swathing technique for lentils (Stevens Ayrault - CAVAC)
- Mowing, swathing in rape (Cécile Le Gall - Terres Inovia)
- Rapeseed, sunflower, soya and lentil : good practices for harvesting in complete peace of mind (Philippe Cristante - Terres Inovia)
Sunflower : seed quality, what needs and levers to satisfy the organic market ?
- Sunflower market : current and future trends ? (Cécile Le Gall - Terres Inovia)
- The quality of the oil: what is it ? How is it extracted ? ? (Patrick Carré - Terres Inovia)
- Building oil content: impact of soil and climate factors and crop management (Cécile Le Gall - Terres Inovia)
Replay "Oilseeds: harvesting, how to avoid the headache ?" | Replay "Sunflower: seed quality, needs and levers to satisfy the organic market" |