TEauBio project: technical and economic results for organic sunflowers in Champagne-Ardenne
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TEauBio project: technical and economic results for organic sunflowers in Champagne-Ardenne
05 Apr 2024
Terres Inovia and its partners are presenting the technical and economic results of the TEauBio project, which aims to support and develop the organic sunflower sector in Champagne-Ardenne.
Organic sunflower acreage in 2022 in Champagne-Ardenne.
TEauBio is a multi-partner project aimed at supporting and developing the organic sunflower sector in Champagne-Ardenne, in a context of reducing diffuse pollution of agricultural origin.
Supported by the Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie and the Grand Est region, the project has a number of focuses, including:
- research and development of organic sunflowers ;
- coordinating and supporting producers
- identifying the various local and national outlets for sunflower seeds.
A summary sheet can now be consulted in the Projects section of the website: click here.
Contact: Benjamin Delhaye, b.delhaye@terresinovia.fr