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The video web series Les pieds dans les champs is back on peas and field beans

15 Jun 2022

Launched in May 2021, the video web series Les pieds dans les champs is back. The principle? An immersion in the plots of a farmer who explains, in the course of a discussion, how he manages his crop, the difficulties he faces and the agronomic levers and practices he uses. This interview is completed by a technical analysis from a Terres Inovia expert.

After the first episodes on oilseed rape broadcast in 2021, Les pieds dans les champs is launching its second season, with peas and faba beans. From 14 June, four episodes will be broadcast each week, featuring four farmers, from Ile-de-France to Seine-Maritime, via the Aube region. Two of the Institute's protein crop experts, Bastien Rémurier and Véronique Biarnès, will supplement this testimony with a technical analysis and recommendations.

Ghislain Guinot, farmer at Bagnieu-la-Fosse (Aube): "Why I returned to spring peas

By growing spring peas, this farmer was able to solve his bacterial blight problem and better manage grass pressure. "It is an excellent precedent for wheat and this crop allows me to save a lot of nitrogen.



Xavier Delaitre, farmer at Sacy-sur-Marne (Seine-et-Marne): "winter pea, a high-performance crop in my rotation

With a set of ten crops, Xavier Delaitre has no regrets about choosing winter peas in his rotation. "It is an asset for the fertility of my soil, allowing me to have a 10 to 15 quintals higher profitability of my following wheat, compared to another previous crop. In addition to the nitrogen savings, the farmer can do without insecticides, as the plant is quite robust and resistant when pests arrive.


Olivier Cleland, farmer in Foucarmont (Seine-Maritime): "significant savings in inputs thanks to peas

For the farmer, peas allow him to make significant savings in nitrogen, but also in weed killers, especially on his next wheat crop. The yield of his wheat has risen from 70 to 85 quntals thanks to protein crops. Olivier Cleland emphasises the importance of soil preparation (by favouring the no-till technique) and the opportunity to harvest at the right time, without the moisture content being too high.


Jérôme Regnault, farmer in Plaisir (Yvelines): "Thanks to faba beans, my plot is very clean for the next crop".

On his farm on the edge of the town of Plaisir, this farmer has no regrets about choosing faba beans as the main crop in his rotation. Advantages? A crop that is easy to manage and well adapted to areas that are subject to bird attacks. Jérôme Regnault has even managed to get rid of bruchid, a pest that attacks faba beans, by shifting the cycle and sowing deep.


The pea and faba bean episodes were filmed as part of the Cap Protéines programme.
