Terres Inovia is at the heart of the innovation chain, halfway between upstream research and the application in the field of new solutions by economic players in the agricultural world. The institute participates in the financing and implementation of innovations, in particular through tests carried out on technological platforms. Between these two links in the chain, the institute's activity focuses on applied research and development, based on:

  • Technological and scientific watch

  • Regular contacts with stakeholders in the agricultural world and research organizations to be as close as possible to the needs of producers, consumers and the state of research upstream.

The institute's research, development and innovation is present in its four core businesses

Study and operational research

The institute is conducting studies to find better operational and sustainable solutions appropriate to the needs of players in the oilseeds, protein crops and hemp industries, as well as to societal expectations. Our teams design protocols, analyze the various information collected and aggregate the results to transform them into operational tools. To do this, they bring together the appropriate skills in different fields: agronomy, biology of cultivated species, statistics, modeling, digital technologies, process engineering and economics.

Examples of actions performed


The studies and operational research team coordinates this project. She works on the factors allowing to favor the auxiliary fauna (habitat, nutrition and protection against insecticides)

Digital Rapeseed

The studies and operational research team coordinates this project. It plays the role of rapeseed expert, in particular of ecophysiology and fertilization.


To better understand the seed pressing mechanism and improve its performance, modeling work has been undertaken since 2014 by Terres Inovia and other players (Olead, Utc, Escom, Ecole des mines d'Albi, Olexa, Cargill, Saipol ). This study made it possible to develop an original model of static pressing.


To improve research, the institute is carrying out tests on oil-protein crops in all production areas, in both conventional and organic farming. These tests can be carried out in the field, in semi-controlled (greenhouse) or controlled conditions. This experimental work mainly concerns agronomic and variety trials.

Examples of actions performed


The experimentation department implements operations from research & development from an operational point of view (readings and counting of insects for example).

New technologies

The experiment implements digital tools, such as driving drones, capturing images and transferring data to the R&D team.


The institute’s analytical laboratories are improving innovation through diagnostics on pathogens and pests, chemical and biochemical analyzes on oilseed and rapeseed seeds and research to improve food safety.

Flagship actions

Development of diagnostic methods

Each year, dozens of plant samples are sent to the Grignon laboratory (78) for diagnosis of pathogens. Work in progress is focused on the development of molecular tools to quickly and precisely identify the pests and auxiliary insects associated with rapeseed, whatever their stage of development. Grignon's laboratory has also developed two new methods intended to highlight the mechanisms involved in insect resistance to insecticides.

Seed quality survey at harvest

On the following crops: rapeseed, sunflower, soybeans, peas, field beans

A survey on the characteristics of the crops is carried out each year and is the subject of an annual publication. It allows to follow the evolution of the main characteristics (according to the type of seeds moisture, impurities, oil content, proteins, glucosinolates for rapeseed, oleic acid for oleic sunflower, seeds with defect for protein crops, broken, stained, with damage of insects). The analyzes are carried out by the Ardon laboratory (45).

Nutritional quality observatory of oil cakes

The nutritional characteristics (protein content, oil, cellulose, glucosinolates, protein solubility and enzymatic digestibility) are scrutinized through an observatory of the quality of rapeseed and sunflower meal, conducted by Terres Inovia with the support of the Interprofession "Terres Univia". Samples are sent by French factories every month and analyzed. The analyzes are carried out by the Ardon laboratory (45). An annual publication tracks the quality of these cakes.

The development of a pest larvae breeding (weevils and flea beetles)

to assess the parasite rate and know the parasitoids present on the territory.

Development, transfer and promotion

The development teams are the relay of efficient technical communications in the field. They are in permanent contact with the oilseeds, protein crops and hemp players to analyze their needs. They support them in implementing innovative solutions and the results of the work carried out by Terres Inovia.