Qui sommes-nous - Terres Inovia - Institutionnel

Terres Inovia is the French technical institute for oil and protein crops and hemp
We help producers:
- To make their production systems more diverse and sustainable
- To increase their competitiveness through recognized expertise in production, harvest, storage and conservation techniques and in production quality, for all outlets in the domains of animal and human nutrition.
Terres Inovia is an applied research institute working at the interface between researchers, various economic actors (collecting organizations, companies etc.) and producers.
Our activities concern the following domains
The production and evaluation of inputs (varieties, phytosanitary products, fertilizers)
Integrated crop protection
The development of innovative cropping systems
The economic evaluation, valorization and transformation of crop products
Research, development and innovation
Terres Inova is a technical institute at the heart of the innovation chain, midway between upstream research and the application in the field of new solutions by the economic actors of the agricultural world.
Terres Inova catalyzes innovation by contributing to the funding and implementation of innovations, particularly through the tests performed on its technological platforms.
Between these two links in the chain, the activity of the institute focuses on applied research and development through:
- Technological and scientific watch activities
- Regular contact with the actors of the agricultural world and research organizations, to get as close as possible to the needs of producers, consumers and the state of upstream research.
Nos cultures
Notre expertise
Nos implantations
Agropolis International
1000 Avenue Agropolis
Tél : 05 82 08 34 05 (numéro Terres Inovia de Baziège (31)).
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270 avenue de la pomme de pin
BP 90365
Ardon-45166 Olivet cedex
Tél.: 02 38 69 22 00
button-see-more >Station inter-instituts
6, chemin de la Côte-Vieille
31450 Baziège
Tél. : 05 82 08 34 05
button-see-more >The Grignon Center
1, Avenue Lucien Bretignieres
78 850 Thiverval-Grignon
Tél.: 01 30 79 95 00
button-see-more >Bâtiment France Luzerne
Complexe agricole du Mont-Bernard
Route de Suippes-CS 90525
51000 Chalons-en-Champagne
Tél.: 03 26 68 42 72
button-see-more >2 chaussée Brunehaut
BP 50136 Estrées-Mons
80203 Peronne cedex
Tél.: 03 22 83 22 10
button-see-more >

Notre histoire
Création du CETIOM, le Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Oléagineux Métropolitains, institut technique de recherche appliquée sur le colza, le tournesol, le soja, et le lin oléagineux.
Lancement du premier Plan Protéines en France pour développer les protéagineux
Après le démantèlement des taxes parafiscales en agriculture, touchant en particulier le Cetiom, un nouveau dispositif interprofessionnel se met en place intégrant les actions conduites par le Cetiom.
Transfert de l’activité technique de l’Unip au Cetiom, élargissant ainsi son expertise aux protéagineux
Le CETIOM et les services techniques de l’Unip fusionnent pour former Terres Inovia
Key figures
- 20Scientific publishings
- 600Coordinated testings, which produce 300 000 experimental data
- 25
National and international networks involving Terres Inovia
- 200
Technical events organised for producers and technicians
Terres Inovia is a agricultural technical institute acknowledged by the ministry od agriculture for its scientific and technical skills in the oil, protein and hemp sectors.
