Organic soybeans, lentils and chickpeas: three new crop guides to support farmers in the 2023 campaign
Organic soybeans, lentils and chickpeas: three new crop guides to support farmers in the 2023 campaign
Paris, 20 April 2023 - Terres Inovia has just published the new editions of its crop guides for organic soybeans, conventional and organic lentils, and chickpeas for the 2023 season. Organised into thematic chapters, they guide farmers and technicians through each stage of the crop, from the choice of varieties to harvesting and storage, including planting, weeding and pest and disease control. These crop guides can be downloaded free of charge from the Terres Inovia website.
Organic soybean growing guide
A special feature of this 2023 edition is that the variety chapter of the organic soybean growing guide now includes a summary of the results of multi-year trials evaluating the varieties proposed for marketing in the organic sector for 2023. The main characteristics of varieties not evaluated by the Institute are also presented.
Organic and conventional lentil growing guide
The lentil growing guide has been expanded for the 2023 campaign with new chapters. It now covers conventional and organic management and makes the most of the results obtained in the framework of the Cap Protéines programme: characteristics and performance of varieties, mechanical weeding. The disease chapter has also been enriched with the results of the Mallag project and more detailed information has also been provided on harvesting.
Chickpea growing guide
The chickpea crop guide was enriched in 2023 with a technical-economic section and elements on organic management, particularly mechanical weeding.
These three crop guides can be downloaded free of charge in digital form by anyone with a personal account on the Terres Inovia website. A paper version of these guides can also be ordered online free of charge; only a contribution to postage costs is required.