The European Parliament opts for innovation and science with restricted access to NGTs
The European Parliament opts for innovation and science with restricted access to NGTs
On 7 February 2024, the plenary session of the European Parliament adopted its position on the draft regulation aimed at regulating the use of new plant breeding techniques (NGT). The Collectif en faveur de l'innovation variétale, which was set up in 2019 and represents a large number of players in the French agricultural and food sectors, welcomes this important step after 4 years of intense work by the European Commission. This vote reflects a recognition of the resources and potential offered by science and innovation to meet agricultural and environmental challenges, thanks to a clear and appropriate legal framework.
"At a time when many regions of the world have already authorised these techniques on their territory, MEPs have voted responsibly and shown that they are listening to the expectations of farmers, the food chain and civil society. The proposed NGT regulation is an opportunity for the future of European agriculture " reaffirmed the presidents of the organisations in the Collectif en faveur de l'innovation variétale.
Against a backdrop of unprecedented agricultural tensions, revealing a real crisis in several European countries, the MEPs have taken account of the reality on the ground, which needs innovative solutions and alternatives to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow: climate change, transition of agricultural practices, remuneration of farmers,
By affirming their desire for a paradigm shift, the Members of the European Parliament are giving themselves the means to guarantee Europe a sovereign agriculture that contributes to environmental conservation. This choice is fully in line with the commitments made by France and its Prime Minister in favour of the use of NGTs to contribute to the ecological transition.
The next few months will be crucial for making further progress on this issue ahead of the European elections in June. The text adopted today must now be examined in detail with a view to the next stage, which will take place at the Council of the European Union at the end of February. We call on the Ministers to shoulder their responsibilities by giving the European agricultural and food sector tools and prospects through a balanced and workable text: to this end, several points adopted by the Parliament may require real changes.