3rd edition of the "Carrefour des Adhérents" : Terres Inovia was present to talk about the Low Carbon Label method
3rd edition of the "Carrefour des Adhérents" : Terres Inovia was present to talk about the Low Carbon Label method
On December 9, Terres Inovia took part in the 3rd edition of the "Carrefour des Adhérents" (Members' Forum) on one of the major challenges facing our sectors in the face of climate change : Carbon !
In the theme "Low-carbon agricultural practices on the farm", the institute, as a member of the drafting committee of the Low Carbon Label - Field Crops Method, provided information on the low-carbon issue for the field crop sector as well as on the combination of the two issues of "low-carbon" and "plant proteins" in field crops with the lever of seed legumes. Preliminary results from the institute on emission reductions using the Low Carbon Label-Field Crops method applied in the Grand-Est and Occitanie regions show consistently positive emission reductions with the insertion of legumes in cropping systems. During the day, we were contacted for a One to One meeting with some companies interested in our crops and the carbon issue.