A symposium on seeds followed with interest by the Institute
A symposium on seeds followed with interest by the Institute
Every two years, a symposium brings together the French scientific community working on the biology, development, environmental adaptation and food and non-food uses of oilseeds.
It is organized by the French Network of Seed Biology (RFBG). Created in 2006, it aims to promote exchanges between teams specialized in seeds and dispersed over several sites in France. The event, which was supposed to take place in Lyon, was finally held at a distance due to the sanitary situation.
From seed physiology to biodiversity
Têko GOUYO, in charge of the study on the valorisation processes of oilseeds and protein crops at Terres Inovia, and Vincent Jauvion, head of the physico-chemical analysis laboratory of the institute, followed the conference with interest.
It was structured around five sessions:
- The environment, development and physiology of seeds;
- The structure and composition of seeds, their transformation and their quality of use;
- The environment, food and nutritional quality of seeds;
- Biodiversity, adaptive strategies and selection;
- Environment, longevity and germination of seeds.
Many seed species studied
The symposium highlighted fundamental seed species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, a model for plant research, or more exotic species such as coffee.
Species of interest to our institute such as pea, rapeseed, soybean, hemp and sunflower were of course also discussed.
A wide range of ideas, from upstream to downstream
Interesting presentations were given on upstream aspects of the sector, such as the impact of biostimulants in seed coatings on the germination speed of soybeans and their metabolic awakening in response to low temperatures. The Institute's specialists were also interested in the transgenerational effect of water stress on sunflower seed germination. Other topics, related to markets and consumption, were addressed, such as the characterization of saponin biosynthesis during the development of pea seeds, the evaluation of the food allergenic potential of hemp seeds or a summary presentation of the protein quality of protein crops and their interest in human nutrition.
A dynamic French research on the subjects supported by Terres Inovia and Cap Protéines
The conference gave rise to rich exchanges, despite the remote format, through the traditional round table organized on the theme "What seeds for tomorrow? Reconciling ecological transition, quality of use and bioeconomy". Work on the use of legumes in animal feed, protein quality and strategies for eliminating undesirable tastes are all topical subjects that are complementary to the actions carried out by the Institute with Cap Protéines. The dynamics of French research teams on these subjects testifies to the effervescence and growing interest in these topics that Terres Inovia carries on a daily basis.
During the conference, participants also paid tribute to Michel Caboche, one of the founders of the seed network, who died in 2021.
Next edition in 2023! The institute will have important work to present, in particular those developed within the framework of Cap Protéines.
Who is the RFBG ?
The complete program of presentations and invited speakers is available on the event website.