Soybeans - Territorialized varietal advice for 2022 sowing
Soybeans - Territorialized varietal advice for 2022 sowing
Evaluate and disseminate new high-protein legume and oilseed varieties
With 5 to 7 new varieties registered in the French catalogue each year, the range of soybean varieties has been growing steadily in recent years and bears witness to the dynamism of soybean breeding in France. The use of certified seed not only contributes to quality production but also to maintaining the dynamism of soybean breeding.
To help you make or confirm a varietal choice, adapted to your objectives and production contexts, Terres Inovia offers you lists of recommended varieties for 2022 soybean sowing.
An entry by earliness group
The choice of an earliness group adapted to the climatic context and to a sowing date (main crop or catch crop in particular) guarantees the expression of the variety's potential. A variety that is too early often leads to lower yields, a variety that is too late to delayed ripening and poor harvesting conditions.
The map on page 2 shows the recommended earliness groups for main crops by geographical area. It should be noted that in certain regions (Normandy, Brittany, etc.) reference work is being carried out to study the feasibility of soya.
In order to maximise productivity, it is recommended to select from the latest possible earliness group.
Sorting rules to enhance the performance and quality of varieties
For each earliness group, we have drawn up lists of recommended varieties according to three objectives: productivity, protein content and sclerotinia susceptibility (late groups only), applying precise and reassuring sorting rules for each.
Territorial expertise
The recommended list is adapted to your territorial production context by combining the criteria of interest. It is accompanied by general advice to guide the choice according to your objectives and local constraints.
The sorting rules adopted by objective
High and regular productivity is sought. The varieties in these lists have obtained a yield index greater than or equal to 100 in at least 2 out of 3 years. Their average multi-year protein content is equal to or higher than 40%.
High and consistent protein content is sought. The varieties on the list have an average protein content of 100 or more in at least 2 out of 3 years. Their average multi-year protein content is greater than or equal to 42%.
For group I and II varieties, sclerotinia tolerance is sought. The varieties in this list are classified as Low Sensitive (LS) or Very Low Sensitive (VLS), and have obtained an average yield index greater than or equal to 98 over several years. Their average multi-year protein content is greater than or equal to 40%.