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Tournesol webinar replay: preparing your 2022 campaign

28 Jan 2022

Whether you are a technician, a sunflower grower or not yet, the replay of this webinar will give you access to all the information you need to prepare your 2022 sunflower campaign.

View the replay on Terres Inovia's YouTube channel

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Some questions and answers from the webinar

Q : What is the difference between linoleic and oleic?
A : The main difference is in the fatty acid composition. An oleic sunflower has a C18:1 oleic acid concentration of between 73% and 85% compared to 25-28% for linoleic. Conversely, for linoleic sunflower, the concentration of linoleic acid C18:2 is around 63-67% against 9-21% for oleic sunflower.

Q : What are the main markets for linoleic and oleic sunflower?
A : Linoleic sunflower: food oils, margarine or bio diesel.
Oleic sunflower: frying oil (good stability and low sensitivity to oxidation).

Q : What is the outlook for sunflower planting in France in 2022 ?
A : In the Centre and West regions, the trend is the same as on a national scale with a stable area compared to 2021. In Burgundy Franche-Comté, we would see an increase of 5 to 8%. For the South-West, to date, it would seem that there could be a slight increase in surface areas. It is still difficult to put a figure on this today.

Q : Following the current Russia/Ukraine crisis, how do you see the price of fertilizers (N,P,K) evolving for April-May?
A : This war is a bullish factor for seed AND fertilizer prices. Indeed, Russia is a major producer of energy (natural gas), fertilizers and agricultural raw materials. Ukraine is a major player on the agricultural markets. However, it is difficult to assess the effect of this war on the extent of the increase in fertilizer prices.

Q : Will there be a strain on the availability of seeds for n+1?
A : No risk identified at this time with respect to sunflower seed supply in 2023.

Q : Is there a risk of planting sunflower behind a meadow crop harvested in mid-April (wrapping)? With a 20 cm tillage + rotary harrow
A : It all depends on the soil type. On a silty soil, there is less risk because there are fewer clods than on a clay soil. Be careful with the harvesting conditions of the wrapper and the soil conditions. The silage may have dried out the soil, which could make plowing more difficult. So less risk in light soils, be careful in clay soils, to be adapted according to the harvest conditions of the meslin.

Q : What is the optimum time between the last cultivation method (harrow) and seeding?
A : It depends on your soil type, the freshness of the soil and the condition of the clods. If the freshness is present after your last cultivation and the seedbed is optimal, you should take advantage of the freshness to favor germination and quick emergence. So no optimum time, but an adaptation to the state and conditions of the seedbed.

Q : Are there any new herbicide projects being registered?
A : Arylex with GF3885. BASF is also announcing a solo dmta-P, like in corn.

Q : Have you tested the Piper product against birds?
A : This product is not in the synthesis. We have tested AMO 03-09, Avifar and Gibstop.

Q : Is korit effective against pigeons? Is a registration in progress?
A : Korit is not registered in sunflower and there is no registration in progress.

Q : What is the efficiency gain if we incorporate Pendimethalin or S-metolachlor?
A : The incorporation must remain superficial. The gain is not huge. Beyond the gain in efficiency, the incorporation mainly improves regularity. On the other hand, beware of the lack of selectivity with the incorporation of pendimethalin.

Q : Among the sunflower M.A., which ones are position selective ?
A : Almost all of them are both position and physiological. The most selective in physiology would be pendimethalin. The others are more position selective.

Q : When will the GF-3885 catch-up weed killer come out?
A : We are waiting for a possible marketing authorization in 2023, for use in 2024. No certainty at this stage.

Q : Impact of sowing date / risk of ambrosia ?
A : The practice of false seeding with a shift in date allows a very significant reduction in emergence, by 3 in a certain number of trials.

Q : What are the boron requirements?
A : Concerning boron, only apply it as a preventive measure (about 450 grams/ha). Indeed, any application of boron after the appearance of symptoms is useless because the effects of the deficiency are then irremediable. Hence the importance of identifying risk situations: plots that have already been observed in the past, superficial or shallow soils, plots with a sunflower that comes back every 2-3 years.