Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses: a unique event to support innovation
Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses: a unique event to support innovation
The fourth edition of the Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses (RFL4) was held from 22 to 24 January 2024 in Dakar-Saly, Senegal.
Organised by CIRAD, INRAE, Terres Inovia and Terres Univia, with this year's support from the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles(ISRA) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, they provided a unique forum for exchanges between all those involved in development, commodity chains and legume research.
Gilles Robillard: " A strong link between fundamental and applied research to overcome technical difficulties ".
Introducing the RFL4, Gilles Robillard, President of Terres Inovia , emphasised that it was " a unique event to support innovation around legumes and the only scientific conference open to the entire sector, from upstream to downstream ", which would "highlight advances in legume cultivation, genetic progress and research, for both animal feed and human consumption".
Organised for the first time on the African continent, this event will make it possible to pursue the same objective, despite the different constraints and soil and climate conditions in Africa and Europe: "to develop grain and fodder legumes to feed people in the years to come, because together we will be able to discover new varieties and uses for legumes ".
David Gouache, deputy director of the institute, took part in the final round table to define the priority work on legumes in France and Africa.
Terres Inovia experts mobilised at RFL4
Bastien Rémurier, development engineer, presented his work on the nitrogen nutrition index, a key agronomic diagnostic indicator for peas. He also mapped agro-climatic risks to encourage the development of legumes. Zoé le Bihan, also a development engineer, also took stock of work on damage assessment and bruchid control for lentils in France. Teko Gouyo, research officer, gave a presentation on pulse processing. Cyrielle Mazaleyrat, development engineer, moderated a debate on the collective organisation of the sector.