Seed protection for protein seeds (pea, faba bean and lupin): situation to date and outlook
Seed protection for protein seeds (pea, faba bean and lupin): situation to date and outlook
WAKIL XL is a fungicidal seed treatment composed of 10% cymoxanil, 5% fludioxonil and 16.96% metalaxyl-M. It controls mildew, ascochytosis and anthracnose, seed-borne diseases, as well as damping-off.
Following the European re-approval process in 2021, the active substance metalaxyl-M, although re-approved, is no longer authorized for use in the field, but only under cover.
Field sowing of seeds protected with metalaxyl-M (product WAKIL XL) is therefore no longer possible from June 1, 2021. Further studies are currently being carried out by EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) to lift these restrictions. At present, we do not know whether this will result in the lifting of restrictions in the future.
Terres Inovia applied for and obtained 120-day derogations, in accordance with Article 53 of Regulation 1107/2009, for the use of WAKIL XL on protein seeds in the field, for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 seasons. However, following a referral on neonicotinoids, the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in January 2023 stipulates that it is not possible to issue 120j derogations (art.53) for the use of products based on active substances banned in the EU.
As a result, and according to the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, metalaxyl-M is not authorized for use in open fields at European level, and therefore falls within the scope of this ruling. It will therefore not be possible to submit derogation requests for the 2023/24 or subsequent seasons, in the absence of the lifting of restrictions.
This has a direct impact on the protection of protein seeds against mildew (pea and faba bean), anthracnose (lupin) and damping-off. We are currently looking into alternatives to WAKIL XL, with a view to combating mildew, but no solution will be available for protein seeds in the short term.
Protection against damping-off (Fusarium sp., Aschochyta sp., etc.) can be provided by treating seeds with PREPPER (based on fludioxonil 25 g/l), which has been authorised for use on protein crop seeds since August 2022 for the use Protein crop seeds*Seeds*Fungi (other than Pythiaceae).