R2D2 project: mid-term rebound with Cap Protéines
R2D2 project: mid-term rebound with Cap Protéines
The R2D2 project is continuing on the plateaux of Burgundy. Terres Inovia and its partners are supporting the 10 farmers in the group to set up a territorial project on 1330 ha of field crops. This project aims to improve the resilience of crop systems to hazards (climate and insect pest damage) while reducing insecticide applications.
The search for resilience is carried out at the plot and landscape levels. It combines agronomic levers and seeks to modify the production environment to make it more favourable to auxiliary insects and unfavourable to insect pests, particularly rape beetle pests.
The diagram below, extracted from the webinar of 19 April 2022 dedicated to the project, helps to illustrate this (click on the image below to access the video).
A step forward thanks to Cap Protéines
Within the framework of Cap Protéines, Noémie Cadeddu, a student at ISARA Lyon for her end-of-study internship, came to help the team. Her internship focuses on farmers' practices and studies how the project has been able to bring about changes on farms, particularly with regard to the management of crop pests. Noémie is interested in both cultural interventions, extra-crop management and the decision-making processes involved in insect management.
During the spring, farmers will be surveyed and their practices recorded since the project was set up in an attempt to identify a trajectory of change at the territorial level.
The data thus collected by Noémie will make it possible to quantify the contributions of the support strategy deployed within the framework of the project, to make the link with the data acquired in the scientific monitoring, and also to evaluate the multi-performance of the farms integrated into the approach.
"Action of the Ecophyto plan led by the ministries in charge of agriculture, ecology, health and research, with the technical and financial support of the French Office for Biodiversity"