Dynamic discovery of a regional testing platform
Dynamic discovery of a regional testing platform
Each year, the Regional Action and Transfer Department of Terres Inovia mobilizes to set up regional projects in partnership with local structures. This is done in order to set up trials, to advance agricultural research and to communicate the results obtained to farmers and agricultural technicians.
Thus, Elodie TOURTON, Development Engineer at Terres Inovia has worked in this direction, surrounded by partners (Chamber of Agriculture of Charente-Maritime, GDA de l'Aunis, LG Seeds) and funders (Région Nouvelle Aquitaine and Cap Protéines).
The trials were set up at the Magneraud experimental station, located in the north of Charente-Maritime (17).
We would like to thank all our partners and all the Terres Inovia teams who contributed to the success of this 2021 trial platform.
During 2021, field visits were organized on this platform, for farmers and technicians. On this occasion, videos were shot and visit supports were created.
We have designed this dynamic infographic in order to gather all these supports and communicate in real time on the results.
Feel free to navigate in this interface among the 3 universes of crops concerned which are Rapeseed, Sunflower and Pea. The interface will be enriched with the results of trials as soon as they are published.
Enjoy your visit
Audrey Maurice – a.maurice@terresinovia.fr - Farmers' Communication Officer Zone Centre & Ouest