The six pilot territories of agro-ecological transition in training-accompaniment
The six pilot territories of agro-ecological transition in training-accompaniment
In the six pilot territories of the Cap Protéines program, including: Burgundy-France-Comté, Brittany, Grand-Est, Normandy, New Aquitaine, and Occitania, Terres Inovia trains and accompanies advisors in the implementation of an approach to support farmers in the agroecological transition of their farms.
This support approach aims to:
- Engage farmers in a critical evaluation of their practices and in a dynamic of change
- Improve the multi-performance of systems and their robustness in the face of hazards
- Promote learning and decision-making autonomy of farmers
- To accompany farmers in the step-by-step evolution of their systems, in response to problems and/or to improve the multi-performance of the farms.
- To follow each individual farmer by an adviser of the Chambers of Agriculture, by adapting according to their plots, and by helping them to make strategic, tactical and operational decisions on all the crops while relying on two major pillars: successful implantation and soil fertility.
Course of the farmer support days
After a day and a half of training for the chamber of agriculture advisors, Terres Inovia accompanies the advisors in the field, at a farmer's place, at different key moments of the campaign. Different topics are addressed: soil structure via spade tests or mini-profiles and more generally soil fertility, establishment quality, intervention decisions for the rest of the season, choice of crops, etc. ....
Five to seven Chamber of Agriculture advisors are involved in each pilot territory, and each advisor accompanies approximately 5 farmers.
Tools to support the agro-ecological transition
In addition to the field phases, Terres Inovia is developing tools to support the process: initial diagnostic grid, formalization and evaluation of the farmers' project, management charts, etc. An application has also been developed with the partner Landfiles to facilitate exchanges between advisors and farmers, and to allow the input and visualization of measurements and observations made in the plots.
A new step in the process: involving farmers
The chamber advisors have the necessary tools to accompany the farmers in the process. It is now time to involve the farmers. They are invited to participate, with their advisor, in the second webinar to be held on November 17. This exchange will introduce them to the Cap Protéines approach and also discuss two technical subjects: Successful establishment to obtain a robust rapeseed and Soil preparation and cover before sunflower. Terres Inovia's expertise will be provided on these topics and advisors from the Chambers will share their experiences based on observations made with Landfiles, since the beginning of their involvement in the project. The application, as well as the robust rapeseed dashboard will be presented to them.