The first summary of the results of the lentil varieties evaluated in the Terres Inovia network online on myVar®.
The first summary of the results of the lentil varieties evaluated in the Terres Inovia network online on myVar®.
Paris, December 09, 2021 - Set up for the first time in 2021 as part of the Cap Protéines programme, the lentil variety evaluation network set up by Terres Inovia, the technical institute for professionals in the vegetable oil and protein sector and the hemp sector, and its partners, has published its results.
The characteristics of 8 lentil varieties are available online on myVar®, the tool for choosing oilseed, protein crop and hemp varieties. These evaluations were conducted as part of the programme's "Evaluating and disseminating new high-protein legume and oilseed varieties" project. This approach is in line with the objectives of Cap Protéines, whose mission is to accelerate the development of new lentil varieties adapted to French production.
Learn more about the network...
Coordinated by Terres Inovia and conducted in partnership with Agri Obtentions, Axereal, Cavac, Dijon Céréales, Lidea, Limagrain Coop, Natup and Soufflet, the network tested 8 lentil varieties in 11 trials.
Varieties are evaluated on yield performance, seed characteristics (moisture content at harvest, MWP, % protein), flowering distance, height and lodging resistance.
The results are available online on myVar®.
Which varieties?
- Two varieties of green lentils: Anicia and Clara
- Three varieties of blond lentils: Flora, Blovita and Samos
- Two varieties of coral lentil: Rosana and Beleza
- One black lentil variety (population): Fentille