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Terres Inovia's expertise on agro-ecological transitions at the 60th International Agricultural Show

15 Feb 2024

From 24 February to 3 March, the technical institute will be sharing its expertise on agro-ecological transitions at the Salon international de l'Agriculture, with the aim of helping the farming world to better meet the challenges of sustainability and crop resilience. Terres Inovia will also be taking advantage of this key event to meet students.

The Salon International de l'Agriculture opens its doors in a few weeks' time. This anniversary edition, which celebrates the 60th anniversary of the event, is expected to attract a host of professionals from the animal and plant sectors, visitors from the general public, farmers and political figures (over a hundred official visits are planned). And in 2024, a pretty Norman cow called Oreillette will be the show's muse.
Agro-ecological transitions in the spotlight

As every year, Terres Inovia will be present on the Acta stand, representing the 19 agricultural technical institutes. For the 2024 vintage, these major players in applied agricultural research will be showing how they support and anticipate the agro-ecological and digital transitions in agricultural and food systems.



The Acta stand will highlight the achievements and projects of the agricultural technical institutes on three themes:
-Agricultural and forest soils
-European partnerships
-Artificial intelligence in agriculture
From soil fertility to carbon issues: Terres Inovia's expertise widely shared

The programme of events will include 12 themed conferences and 4 after-work sessions on the Acta stand throughout the show. Terres Inovia will be present at a number of key events:

-The conference on Monday 26 February, "Mitigating the carbon footprint in agriculture, the contribution of agricultural technical institutes", at which Anne Schneider, research officer for "sustainability and legume systems", will be taking part.

- Presentation of Terres Inovia's training offer and services during BtoB meetings, by Frédéric Fine, Maria Malkoun and Laurence Giraud, from the institute's development department.

-Terres Inovia's work on soils will also be showcased.

-Various teams from the Institute will also be present at the After Works, on the Acta stand, to meet schools and students (from February 27 to March 1, from 5pm to 6pm).


Genetics and varietal innovation under debate

Terres Inovia will also be taking part in two conferences on the Village Semences platform:

-Gilles Robillard, President of the Institute, will speak at the conference entitled "GMOs, NBT, genomics, mutagenesis: high expectations. Will plant genetics make the grade? (24/02, 15h40/16h15)

-David Gouache, Deputy Director of Terres Inovia, will take part in the conference entitled "What varieties will the world need in 2050?
Throughout the show, agricultural professionals, elected representatives, journalists, students, decision-makers and opinion leaders will be invited to exchange views with the institutes' technical and scientific experts.

The technical institute will also be represented on the Terres OléoPro stand, the banner of the vegetable oil and protein industry, with a wide range of educational activities: light-up quizzes to test your knowledge of vegetable oils and proteins, the rapeseed press to transform seeds into oils and cakes, a plant arch to help children discover the nutritional benefits of oilseeds, not forgetting the daily presence of chef Clément Dujardin, who will be concocting delicious recipes. As last year, an ephemeral centre will be set up each day to focus on a different theme, starting with pulses, with tastings of the products!