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Renouvellement de la dérogation 120 jours WAKIL XL acceptée

31 Aug 2022

Graines de protéagineux - Terres Inovia - A. Penant

The active substance "metalaxyl-M" has been re-approved in Europe for 15 years, but the use of seeds protected with this substance is only allowed under glass from 1 June 2021.

Field sowing of seeds protected with metalaxyl-M (WAKIL XL product) is therefore no longer possible after this date. Additional studies are currently being carried out by EFSA (the European assessment agency) in order to lift these restrictions.

In the meantime, Terres Inovia, like other sectors, submitted a request for a 120-day derogation at the beginning of June, in accordance with Article 53 of Regulation 1107/2009. It concerns winter-sown protein crops: pea, faba bean and lupin.

This request for a 120-day derogation was accepted on 29 August 2022.
WAKIL XL can therefore be used on winter and spring peas, field beans and lupins from 29 September 2022 to 27 December 2022.

WAKIL XL – Fludioxonil 5%, Métalaxyl-M 16.96%, Cymoxanil 10%
AMM n° 9900446

Wording of use(s)/code Authorised only on the following crop(s) Maximum Use Dose Maximum number of applications Stage(s) of application Pre-harvest interval
16851208 - Protein seeds * Seed treatment * Mushrooms (Pythiaceae) Protein peas, faba beans, lupins

Spring and winter protein peas: 0.2 kg/q

Faba bean: 0.1 kg/q

Lupin: 0.1 kg/q

1 Seed treatment /
16851206 - Protein seeds * Seed treatment * Mushrooms (other than Pythiaceae) Protein peas, faba beans, lupins

Spring and winter protein peas: 0.2 kg/q

Lupin: 0.1 kg/q

1 Seed treatment /


What diseases does Wakil XL protect against?

Downy mildew (Peronospora viciae for faba bean, Peronospora pisi for pea) justifies this protection on pea and faba bean above all because in case of strong attack at the beginning of the cycle, its harmfulness can be important and there is no curative solution.
Wakil XL also protects against certain aerial diseases whose main source of primary inoculum is the seed: anthracnose of lupin (Colletotrichum lupini), frequent and harmful, and ascochytosis of faba bean (Ascochyta fabae, not to be confused with botrytis due to Botrytis fabae), which is not very frequent but can be harmful in certain cases.
Finally, this seed treatment allows to fight against seedling melting and some early root necrosis, on peas, faba beans or lupins. These diseases can be caused by different pathogens present in the soil (Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia, Fusarium sp.).